Sunday, March 29, 2009



You are patient,

You are kind,

You do not envy,

You do not boast,

You are not proud,

You are not rude,

You are not self seeking,

Although you are easily angered,

Yet you keep no record of wrongs,

You do not delight in evil,

You rejoice in the truth,

You always protect your siblings,

Without any thought or even a winkling,

To you, we place our trusts,

To you, we preserve our hopes,

Our hopes that you will always be you,

The abang that we always know,

The abang that always render our hearts aglow,

The abang that age does not show,

Although you have reached the age of sixty two,

Happy birthday to you,

May Allah bless both of you,

Together with all your anak cucu.

From your brother and sisters, 19th. July 2008

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