Thursday, April 30, 2009


What is satisfaction to a retiree. Is money the only main key to achieve total satisfaction. I do not think so because when I looked at some of my friends, I do not think they are totally happy although they are sleeping on piles of money.
To me, total satisfaction for a retiree is when you are healthy and can freely spend your retired life according to your own fancy without the preasure of money or family matters. As a retiree, you must do errands or works that you like best and you must not be under duress to perform jobs that you do not like.
For me, I am very contented with my retired life as I have found my heaven in the family and around the house. With the blessing of Allah, I do not have to worry about my children as they have already secured pensional jobs and they have built their own lives without our interference. I am very fortunate that all my children and in laws are Allah abiding individuals although I could not manage to provide them with abundance of religious knowledge as well as the abundance of wealth. My only concrete contributions to them was giving them education and sense of good behaviour as well as respectfullness.
With our limited resources, Zam and I managed to develop our small garden that could provide comfort and tranquility when we are in the condition of messed up minds. I have a very limited skill and capability in gardening and most of the times Zam was calling the shots for our limited gardening enterprise. My modest contribution to the gardening was limited only to watering the plants. My garden always cry for more water as my watering efforts were always hampered by my never ending bouts of gouts.
Zam is also very contended with her retired life this year when she was able to get her fanatical wishes i.e. wakaf and also buying bikes to the grand children according to their likings. The full carpeted wakaf is waiting anxiously for the visits of her grand children and obviously she would achieve her total satisfaction in life.
Asplenium nidus
Our pokok pakis plants are quiet healthy after Malik's advice on their healthy food manure i.e banana skins.

The table and chairs provide the venue for the tranquility of life

Calathea veitchiana at the centre

Alocasia macrorrhiza variegata at the centre whose leave can grow to the maximum width of 1 meter and the length of 1.5 meters. Calathea zebrina is at the left.

From top: Calathea ornata, Calathea metallica and Dracaena godseffiana

Alocasia sanderiana Bull originates from the Philippines

The first carpeted wakaf in the country

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