Monday, June 29, 2009


Johari memberi isyarat kepada Afiq agar mereka berehat sebentar daripada berbual. Johari memejamkan matanya dan menarik nafas yang panjang. Kemudian Johari terus berkeadaan sedemikian. Berbaring di atas katil di dalam keadaan yang terhenti seketika. Johari berkeadaan semikian lebih kurang sepuluh minit, apabila matanya terbuka semula sambil tersenyum ke arah Afiq.

“Sorry, Afiq. Pak Joe need a breather and has got to take a break for a while. O.k. Afiq bolehlah kita sambung perbincangan kita tadi,” Johari meminta Afiq meneruskan perbincangan mereka yang terputus buat seketika.

“Dalam masa yang singkat ini, apakah bantuan yang Tuan perlukan daripada saya,” Afiq meminta kepastian daripada Johari mengenai bantuan yang diperlukan oleh Johari.

“Afiq, Pak Joe harap Afiq janganlah terkejut dengan cadangan Pak Joe. Pak Joe amat berharap sangat Afiq akan dapat menerima cadangan Pak Joe yang ikhlas ini,” Johari cuba menyelami rasa hati Afiq.

“Tuan, janganlah bimbang mengenainya. Saya akan memenuhi hasrat Tuan, dengan kerana jasa Tuan terhadap saya amatlah berharga sekali dan tidak ternilai,” Afiq masih terus memberi keyakinan kepada Johari.

“Afiq, permintaan Pak Joe janganlah dianggap Pak Joe hendak menagih balasan terhadap bantuan Pak Joe kepada Afiq. Tidak terlintas sebesar huma pun di hati Pak Joe untuk menuntut balasan. Bantuan Pak Joe adalah secara ikhlas dan Pak Joe bersyukur ke hadrat illahi bahawa bantuan Pak Joe tidak disia-siakan oleh Afiq,” Johari meneruskan penghayatan kesyukurannya terhadap hasil bantuan yang dipergunakan dengan baik oleh Afiq.

“Afiq, permintaan Pak Joe ini adalah semata-mata untuk kebahagiaan Aleeya dan Pak Joe berharap ianya akan dapat menebus kembali dosa-dosa yang Pak Joe telah lakukan selama ini. Permintaan terakhir Pak Joe daripada Afiq ialah supaya Afiq dapat mengahwini Aleeya dan seterusnya memberi bimbingan yang sempurna kepadanya sebagai satu tanggung jawab seorang suami kepada isterinya,” Johari mengejutkan Afiq dengan suatu permintaan yang di luar dugaan Afiq.

“MasyaAllah, adakah Tuan betul-betul serius,” Afiq meminta kepastian daripada Johari

“Yes, I am dead serious. Pak Joe tidak memaksa Afiq dan jika Afiq tidak bersetuju pun, Pak Joe tidak akan berkecil hati. Pak Joe memang faham dengan dilema Afiq,” Johari memberi jaminan kepada Afiq. Afiq terus membisu seketika dan tidak memberi sebarang reaksi terhadap saranan Johari.

Melihat keadaan Afiq yang terus membisu, Johari meneruskan hujahnya mengenai perwatakan Aleeya, “Afiq, walau pun Afiq membisu tetapi Pak Joe dapat menyelami menyelami perasaan kebimbangan di hati Afiq. Afiq janganlah risau mengenai rasa hati Aleeya. Pak Joe memang kenal benar fiil anak Pak Joe. Walau pun secara luarannya, Aleeya nampak sebagai seorang yang liar tetapi sebaliknya Aleeya adalah seorang gadis yang lemah lembut, berbudi bahasa dan menghormati orang tua-tua. Pak Joe menyesal kerana tidak mampu melapangkan masa yang secukupnya bersama anak Pak Joe. Pak Joe juga gagal untuk memberi ajaran agama yang mencukupi untuk Aleeya,” Johari meneruskan rasa kekesalan dirinya terhadap Aleeya.

“Pak Joe yakin, kelakuan Aleeya yang liar adalah sebagai tanda silent protest terhadap Pak Joe sendiri. Aleeya tidak dapat menerima hakikat perceraian Pak Joe dengan ibunya. Begitu juga Aleeya tidak dapat menerima perkahwinan Pak Joe dengan Sally. Namun di sudut hati kecil Pak Joe, Aleeya masih menyayangi dan menghormati Pak Joe. Bila Pak Joe dah terlantar begini, barulah Pak Joe sedar betapa Aleeya amat mengambil berat terhadap diri Pak Joe,” Johari terus menunjukkan keyakinannya yang begitu ketara terhadap anaknya.

“Cuma Pak Joe berharap, setidak-tidaknya Afiq akan dapat membimbing Aleeya sehingga dia graduate dalam jangka masa dua setengah tahun lagi. Kemudian daripada itu, terpulanglah kepada Afiq untuk membuat pilihan sama ada hendak melepaskan Aleeya atau sebaliknya. Kalau selepas bersamanya selama hampir tiga tahun, masih juga tidak berseusuaian, Pak Joe harap Afiq dapat melepaskan Aleeya dengan cara yang terbaik untuk kedua pihak. . Pak Joe tidak menyesal atau berkecil hati sekiranya usaha kita berdua tidak berhasil,” Johari meneruskan permintaan terakhirnya kepada Afiq.

“Tuan, sebagai tanda kesyukuran ke hadrat Illahi di atas limpah rahmatnya menemukan saya dengan Tuan dan sebagai membalas jasa tuan terhadap saya, Insya Allah saya akan cuba memenuhi hasrat Tuan. Saya cuma bimbang bahawa Aleeya tidak akan dapat menerima saya. Perbezaan umur kami dan status saya sebagai seorang bapa tunggal beranak satu sudah tentulah akan menjadi rintangan utama kepada kami. Saya rasa keadaan ini amatlah tidak adil kepada Aleeya dengan kerana Aleeya masih muda lagi. Aleeya sudah pasti mempunyai minat dan naluri sebagai seorang muda . Selain daripada itu, saya rasa amat tidak adil kepada Aleeya dengan kerana saya tidak mampu lagi memberi kasih yang menyeluruh kepadanya dengan kerana hati nurani saya sudah pun tertutup rapat untuk memberi cinta lagi selepas kematian arwah isteri saya.” Afiq mencurahkan rasa hatinya.

“Afiq, janganlah susah hati mengenai perkara ini. There are always two sides to a picture. Untuk berlaku adil kepada Afiq dan Aleeya, saya telah pun terlebih dahulu berbincang dengan Aleeya mengenainya. Aleeya juga mempunyai kebimbangan yang serupa takut-takut akan berlaku konflik di antara Afiq berdua. Dengan hati yang berat, Aleeya telah menerima cadangan Pak Joe tetapi dengan satu syarat iaitu Afiq hendaklah memberi ruang kepadanya untuk meneruskan cara hidupnya bersendirian. Afiq perlu berbincang dan mencapai kata sepakat mengenai syarat-syarat pra-perkahwinan sebelum majlis akad nikah dilangsungkan. Adakah cadangan Aleeya ini boleh dipersetujui oleh Afiq,” Johari meminta keputusan daripada Afiq.

“Tuan, sepertimana saya katakan awal-awal lagi, untuk kesejahteraan Tuan, saya sanggup untuk menunaikan permintaan Aleeya. Tuan janganlah bimbang,” Afiq memberi kepastian yang amat mengembirakan Johari


Sempena dengan ulang tahun kelahiran saya yang 63 dan juga ulang tahun kelahiran rakan-rakan saya yang sewaktu dengannya, saya akan cuba muat turunkan penulisan novel sulong saya berjodol "Nur Hidayah" sebagai pencuci mata dan makanan ringan minda pengikut blog saya yang amat setia. Novel ini mempunyai 76 bab dan saya akan muat turunkan satu bab bagi setiap minggu.
Novel ini adalah rekaan semata-mata dan tidak ada kena mengena dengan sesiapa yang masih hidup dan yang masih mati. Walau pun novel ini hanyalah rekaan sahaja tetapi ianya adalah berdasarkan kepada pengalaman dan pemerhatian saya semasa menjawat jawatan KCS dan penilaian peribadi saya terhadap sesuatu insiden yang berkaitan. Kalau sesuai bacalah, kalau tidak, pinggirkanlah ia.

Bab 1

“Assalamualaikum Tuan,” Afiq memberi salam apabila memasuki kamar pesakit 1502, di Subang Jaya Medical Centre. Hanya Johari seorang sahaja yang berada di dalam kamar 1502. Tiada ada insan lain yang menemani Johari.

“Mualaikumsalam,” Johari menyambut salam Afiq dengan nada suara yang lemah. Johari terbaring di atas katil pesakit dengan tangan dan dadanya disambungkan dengan wayar ke mesin-mesin yang membantu degup penafasannya. Mesin-msein lain pula memantau keadaan kesihatannya yang terkini.

Amatlah menyayat hati Afiq apabila melihat keadaan Johari yang terbaring lemah di atas katil pesakit. Kali terakhir Afiq bertemu Johari ialah lapan belas bulan yang lepas semasa pengkebumian arwah isteri Afiq, Allahyarhamah Hanim. Kini keadaan Johari amat jauh berbeza. Kalau dulu raut wajah Johari penuh dengan pancaran keceriaan, kini digantikan pula dengan wajah yang lesu dan tak bermaya.

“Afiq, thank you very much for coming. Please take a seat,” Johari mempelawa Afiq duduk di kerusi yang berada di sebelah katil pesakit. Afiq terus duduk di kerusi yang dipelawa oleh Johari dan terus menggengam tangan kanan Johari.

“Afiq, Pak Joe kurang sihat dan tak boleh bercakap panjang-panjang. I am suffering from acute terminal lung cancer.” Johari menjelaskan kedudukan penyakit yang sedang dihadapinya.

“Syukur Allhamdullillah, apabila Pak Joe terbaring di atas katil ini, Pak Joe mula muhasabah diri Pak Joe. Pak Joe telah sedar bahawa Pak Joe telah banyak menyimpang jauh dari jalan keredaan Allah. Di dalam keghairahan Pak Joe mengejar kekayaan dunia, Pak Joe terlupa kepada tanggung jawab Pak Joe daripada segi ugama terhadap keluarga Pak Joe.,” Johari terus merintih tentang kegagalanya memimpin keluarganya mengikut jalan yang betul.

“Yang Pak Joe paling menyesal ialah Pak Joe juga turut menghampakan harapan murni kedua arwah ibu bapa Pak Joe. Pak Joe tahu kedua-dua arwah tentu kecewa dengan Pak Joe kerana menghampakan harapan orang-orang kampung,” Johari terus meluahkan rasa penyesalan yang terpendam di dalam jiwanya selama ini.

“Tuan janganlah berputus asa. Tuan perlu bersyukur bahawa Allah masih sayang kepada Tuan. Allah telah memberi kesempatan kepada Tuan untuk memperbaiki segala kepincangan yang telah Tuan lakukan, Insya Allah,” Afiq cuba memberi keyakinan kepada Johari.

“Afiq, Pak Joe kini telah sedar bahawa kekayaan yang Pak Joe kejar selama ini, hanyalah merupakan kempompong yang kosong sahaja. Pak Joe tidak menggunakan kekayaan yang Pak Joe perolehi untuk jalan yang diredai Allah,” Johari terus menyuarakan rasa kekesalannya.

“Tuan, janganlah ambil sikap negatif begitu. Tuan masih ada masa untuk membelanjakan harta kekayaan Tuan ke arah jalan yang diredai Allah. Tuan boleh membuat kebaikan dengan memberikan harta yang disayanginya kepada kerabat-kerabat Tuan, anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, ibn al sabil serta orang-orang yang meminta,” Afiq memberi penjelasan kepada Johari mengenai jalan keredaan Allah untuk membelanjakan harta kekayaannya.

“Terima kasih Afiq kerana menegur dan memperingati Pak Joe. Pak Joe sedar bahawa Pak Joe tidak mempunyai masa lagi untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini. Pak Joe tidak mahu anak Pak Joe, Aleeya mengulangi kesalahan sepertimana Pak Joe sudah lakukan. Di atas kesedaran inilah, Pak Joe amat berharap Afiq akan dapat membantu Pak Joe di dalam usaha untuk memperbaiki kepincangan ini,” Johari meminta bantuan daripada Afiq.

“Saya yakin Tuan adalah seorang yang berhati mulia, Cuma Tuan tiada berkesempatan untuk meneruskan sumbangan murni Tuan. Saya adalah anak yatim piatu yang telah Tuan bantu untuk berdikari. Segala bantuan kewangan Tuan telah saya gunakan untuk kebaikan semata-mata. Lebihan bantuan Tuan juga telah saya kumpulkan bersama-sama dengan bantuan daripada anak-anak yatim yang berjaya di dalam profesen masing-masing. Berkat kata sepakat, kami juga telah mampu mewujudkan dana untuk membantu anak-anak yatim yang mempunyai keupayaan tetapi tidak berkemampuan. Kami membantu mereka untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup mereka melalui pendidikan atau pun melalui bidang perniagaan. Alhamdullillah dengan rangkaian ini, kita telah mampu membantu lebih daripada 10 orang anak yatim setiap tahun,” Afiq memberi gambaran yang menyenangkan Johari.

“Alhamdullillah, Pak Joe amat senang mendengar sumbangan kecil Pak Joe telah dapat pergi begitu jauh untuk membantu anak-anak yatim. Dengan keperibadian Afiq yang begitu mulia, Pak Joe yakin Afiq juga akan dapat membantu Aleeya untuk mencorakkan masa depan hidupnya dengan lebih sempurna dan berlandaskan kepada hukum-hukum Allah,” Johari terus menagih simpati daripada Afiq

“Alhamdullillah, saya bersetuju dengan keyakinan Tuan terhadap Aleeya,” Afiq memperakui keyakinan Johari terhadap anaknya.


Ezman at the main entrance of UNISITI

Admiring displayed dresses worn by Datuk Siti

Pondering and clambering for the next UNISITI

Syok gila

Last weekend, there were a flurry of activities among the descendants of Haji Syed Mohamed and Haji Yaacob Yunus as the fourth generations were accepted into the various Public Institutes of Higher Learning.

Norlia and family has gone to register Kak Chik’s registration for a degree course in Environmental Development at Universiti Kebangsaan Bangi. Her youngest son, Sollehin has registered at the Politeknik in Pauh, Perlis for a certificate course in Electronic Engegineering. On Saturday, 27.06.2009, Norin and family accompanied Shahir to register for a Diploma Course in Civil Engineering (Building Management) at UITM, Arau, Perlis.

Pak Adik Razif and family accompanied by Pak Teh has gone to University Malaya to register Atikah for a degree course in Environmental Landscaping. Lin, Rohani’s daughter is undergoing a foundation course in Science at University Malaya. Amalina, Noraini’s daughter is also undergoing a foundation course in Law at UITM, Shah Alam. She is also in a dilemma whether to continue her study at UNITM Shah Alam or to opt out when she was offered a degree course in Teaching (English) by the Ministry of Education at Bangi.

Meanwhile Ezman was also busy attending another course at Kuala Lumpur which we referred to as going to the UNISITI . In order to achieve his ambition to be at UNISITI, Ezman has seek the assistance of his sister, Nana and also the blue blooded Malay OKBS (Orang Kaya Baru Start) in Ipoh.

On Saturday, 27.06.2009 with the comfort of Alin’s deep interest in Malay culture, both of them has gone to enjoy the Konsert Eksklusif SATU or UNISITI performed by Datuk Siti Nurhaliza at Istana Budaya. Both of them were so mesmerized by Siti’s life performance that Alin has refrained from using his favourite quotation ‘syok gila’ to describe their total satisfaction on Siti’s performance. Instead, both of them has described Siti’s life performance was so natural as synonym to as listening to the songs from CD or “sebiji macam CD”. With that, I strongly believe that they has passed with honours their courses at UNISITI.

As they could not register themselves in any university, Zam and Mek Tet were very happy just sitting on the purple coloured chair at UNIPACIFIC after raiding it for Nur Aisyah birthday presents.


Cute Imran Aditya

Very contented with the service of his grand mother

25 May 2009 was a significant date for Nami and her family. On that auspicious day, Azira has given birth to a global boy, Imran Aditya. Fortunately or unfortunately Imran Aditya has to share his birthday with the singing legend, DatoSudirman Arshad and the non-legend flutist Ezman.

Bimo has given the newest member of Nami’s stable of grand boys the name Imran Aditya. The name itself denotes the glorious potentiality of the global prince. In Arabic, the name Imran denotes politeness or budi bahasa. While in Sanskrit, Adi means the first. Since I do not have the pleasure of a dictionary that can give the full meaning of Aditya but I am convinced that Bimo might have given his son a name that depict a top warrior but with a kind heart.

We, in Alor Setar extend our heartiest congratulation to Bimo and Azira and we do hope that Imran Aditya would provide more noise and colours to the present antiques of the three boys @ warriors of Alun.

With the birth of Imran Aditya, I think Nami would have to reorganize of her daily schedules with the objective of providing a win-win situation with all her four grand children. Nami’s move is in consistent with Najib’s move in reorganizing the national economic agenda that would guide Malaysia to a better future.

The month of May has also brought cheerfulness to Nami as she has got back her vital personal documents that were separated unwillingly from her. Maybe her photostat traditional consultant might have something to do with it. Whaterver it was, Abang would surely be very jubilant because Nami has placed his name conspicously in her note book which was very crucial in paving the way for the return of her prodigal vital documents.

Monday, June 22, 2009


The four sons of Abdullah in Baling (1975)
From left (sitting) : Syed Unan Mashri bin Syed Abdullah and Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah
From left (standing) : Abdul Muhkti bin Abdullah and Syed Zain bin Syed Abdullah

In the His Majesty Service Series No. 4, I have mentioned about the four sons of Abdullah at the District Office of Baling in 1975. Today (22.06.2009) there are three sons of Abdullah left as Tuan Haji Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah has been called by Allah. Tuan Haji Abdul Wahab whose hobby was tending to his orchard in Padang Terap met with an accident at the Bukit Tampoi area while travelling back to Alor Setar from his orchard. It was rather unfortunate for Haji Abdul Wahab because his immediate neighbour and close friend Dato' Haji Wan Mustaffa was on official visit to Jordan with his wife. We really miss Haji Abdul Wahab's philosophical thinking and we pray that Allah will place Haji Abdul Wahab among the faithfulls. AlFatihah.

On Wahab's wedding day in Langgar with 12 Baling Disrict Office staffs.

Four of the staffs has passed away i.e Clerk Mustaffa (sitting no. 1 front row from left), Clerk Hassan (sitting no. 2 front row from left), Penghulu Zainol Md. Isa (squatting no. 2 from left) and Tracer Zain (standing no.2 from left).

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Surviving Haji Yaacob's children/ from left: Mak Ngah Hajah Habibah, Pak Teh Haji Khalid and Mak Chik Sayang @ Hajah Solehah.

Since Alun was asking about more information on his maternal grand mother and also for the benefit of Nana and her cousins, I did some enquiries orally from her Mak Yah’s surviving siblings i.e. Mak Ngah Habibah, Mak Chik Sayang and Pak Teh Khalid. I have to enquire from the three of simultaneously since Pak Teh Khalid's accounts of his father was very loose. I also proceeded with some research from the historical notes written by Tan Sri Mubin Sheppard. From my scanty research, I am convinced that Mak Yah’s family lineage has some influences on the development of her character.

Mak Yah’s grand mother was the younger sister of Cik Menjalara, the fourth wife of Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah. She was a Siamese by birth and her Muslim name was Jamaliah. She was the daughter of Luang Nara Borirak. Luang Nara Borirak was descended from Chao Phya Maha Kota and Khun Yip Sup (Lady Sup). Chao Phya Maha Kota was the head of the state of Mataban and when Burma attacked Siam in 1774, he and his family fled to Bangkok.

Sultan Abdul Hamid’s eldest sister, Tunku Aminah, who often visited Bangkok, saw and was attracted to the little daughter of Luang Nara Borirak named Nearng which was later known as Menjalara. With Nara Borirak’s permission Tunku Aminah adopted Nearng @ Menjalara and brought her back to Kedah. Tunku Aminah took Menjalara to live with her mother, Wan Hajar at the walled palace. Wan Hajar was equally attracted by the girl and in 1886, she gave Menjalara to Sultan Abdul Hamid to be his fourth wife.

Later on Cik Menjalara took her three other younger siblings back to Kedah and were converted to Islam. They were Jamaliah (Mak Yah’s grand mother), Wangi and Che Mat (Bang Man Toyu' great grand father). Jamaliah married a Kwantung Chinese Muslim by the name of Yunus. Jamaliah gave birth to four children namely Zaharah, Yaacob (Mak Yah’s father) , Saad and Khatijah.

Yaacob married Hindun and they have seven children namely Mohd. Noor, Rodziah, Habibah, Ahmad, Khalid, Ismail and Omar. Since Yaacob was the nephew of Menjalara, Yaacob was also send to study in Bangkok together with her sons, Tunku Muhammad Jiwa and Tunku Abdul Rahman. As such, Yaacob was also fluent in the Thai language. Before the Second World War, Yaacob was the chief clerk at the Kedah Customs Department in Padang Serai. While serving in Padang Serai his cousins Tunku Muhammad Jiwa and Tunku Abdul Rahman were the regular visitors to his office. The three of them would communicate fluently in the Thai language.

Yaacob Yunus did not give much priority on the education of his children. The eldest boy, Pak Tam Mat studied at the Sultan Abdul Hamid College and became an English Primary School Teacher. Pak Teh Khalid only went to the Malay Primary School in Kancut. Pak Chik Ismail and Pak Su Omar finished their education at the lower secondary education at St. Michael School.

Although Yaacob allowed his boys to pursue their English education but he was very strict on his daughters not to pursue their English education. His reason was very simple. Although with English education, at the end of the day, his daughters would only be housewives, As housewives, they did not need for an English education. Apart from that, he strongly believed that with English education, his daughters would have the ability to write love letters to their boy friends.

With his narrow minded philosophy on English education, Yaacob send his eldest daughter Rodziah @ Mak Yah to pursue religious education at Al Mashoor Religious School in Penang. While studying in Al Mashoor, Rodziah stayed at the school's hostel. Yaacob’s younger daughters Habibah and Solehah were sent to the Malay School in Tasik Gelugor. The three girls ended their education abruptly when the Second World War broke out in 1941. Yaacob has got to evacuate her eldest daughter from Penang with the use of a sampan. Yaacob then brought all his family to seek refuge at Kampung Guar Lobak during the the beginning of the war.

Meanwhile Yaacob also took his nephew, Salleh Khir under his care. Salleh Khir was the son of his cousin Bahari who was residing in Satun Thailand. Bahari was sent by the Kedah Government to Satun, Thailand to propagate Islamic teachings in Satun. In Satun, Haji Bahari married Kalsum and they have five children namely Solleh, Aziz, Azizan, Habsah and Khir. The eldest son, Solleh died at an early age. Since Yaacob wanted to foster closer relationship with his relatives in Satun, he asked Haji Bahari for the permission to adopt his youngest son Khir.

Yaacob then accelerated the process of naturalizing Khir as a Kedah citizen with the name Mohd. Salleh Khir in memory of his eldest brother Solleh who has passed away in Satun. All the other siblings of Mohd. Salleh Khir remained as Thai citizens. With the new name of Mohd. Salleh Khir, Haji Yaacob’s adopted son received the best education available in Kedah that was at the Sultan Abdul Hamid College. He was the Head Prefect of the College for 1946 and 1947. AImmediately after the war, Haji Yaacob arranged the marriage of his eldest daughter Rodziah to Mohd. Salleh Khir. Although married, yet Mohd. Salleh Khir continued his education until he successfully obtained his Senior Cambridge School Certificate. One of his classmates was Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, Malaysia fourth Prime Minister.

Friday, June 19, 2009



All the SMOne 1956 moved up to Standard Six 1958, Iskandar School
(before Independence it was formerly known as SAHC Primary School)
Our headmaster was Mr. Lim Swee Hoe while our class teacher was Mr. N. Rao.

For the benefit of my classmates in Special Malay Class One 1956, Sultan Abdul Hamid College, Alor Setar, here is the list of all 41 puplis that has registered for the class. . Sad to say,all the names in bold letters has been recalled by Allah. before us. AlFatihah.

Abdullahee Che Din
Abdul Halim bin Abdullah – 8, Jalan SS 3/94, Kelana Jaya, S’gor: 012-4749888
Ahmad bin Hambali
Abdullah bin Salleh
Abu Bakar bin Yaacob – 2181, Jln. Kolam Renang, Bakar Bata, 05100 AS: 012-4010220
Annuar bin Khamis – Pendang
Azizan bin Taib
Abdul Halim bin Ali – 27, Taman Lengkuas, Simpang Empat, 06650 A.Setar : 013-4682496
Fadzil bin Ahmad –
Farid bin Ali
Halim bin Mat Ninggal – Kuala Kedah : 04-7626055/ 013-409319 (wife)
Harun bin Ali – Lot 33, Jln. Tunku Bendahara, 05300 A.Setar : 04-7318104
Hashim bin Murad – 439, Lrg. Teratai Puteh 1, Taman Berjaya AS : 04-7719707
Ibrahim bin Subhan – 2745, Taman Golf, 05250 A.Setar :04-7333326/ 012-4806004
Ishak bin Hassan – 013-3098678/ 013-5030452
Ismail bin Ibrahim – 3, Lrg. Sepakat, Batu 2 ¼ , Jln. Dato’ Kumbar AS: 04-7310329
Ismail bin Shafie – Lot 523, Lrg Permai, Alor Lintang, Kuala Besut, Terangganu : 09-6956054
Ismail bin Yaacob – Semeling, Kuala Muda ;019-4172854
Kassim bin Hamid – 2, Jln SS 1/15, 47300 Petaling Jaya : 03-78778009/ 012-4701614
Mansor bin Hambali – Kulim
Marzuki bin Jaafar
Mohd. Noor bin Taib

Mohd. Saad bin Shafie – 2820 D, Jln. Tunku Bendahara, 05000 A.Setar : 04-7322179
Mokhtar bin Yunus – Kodiang
Muhammad bin Endut – Batu 16, Kpg. Bukit Payung, 06700 AS : 04-7821297
Norlajis bin Omar
Omar bin Don

Omar bin Ahmad
Ropie bin Hamid – Taman Tunku Sarina, Jitra : 019-4469950
Shafie bin Mehad
Shamsuddin bin Hussein – 04-9179091
Shariff bin Saad – No 10 Batu 4 ¾ , Telok Kechai, 66000 AS : 04-7622290
Md. Shuib bin Din – 019-8215499
Syed Sheh bin Syed Hussain – 013-3162317
Syed Zain bin Syed Abdullah – 2446 M, Taman Tunku Mahmud, Pumpong, 05250 AS:

04-7312539/ 012-4742000
Wahab bin Musa
Haji Yaacob bin Muhammad – No 43, Kpg Sg Baru, 05150 AS : 04-7321937
Yahaya bin Ahmad A
Yahaya bin Ahmad B – 1054 A, Taman Kolej, Jln. Tunku Bendahara, 05300 AS: 04-7307069
Yusoff bin Hamid
Zubir bin Ahmad

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Nasi lemak bungkus udang


At 7.00 a.m. Zam received an urgent call from Imam Ustaz Dahalan, a closed associate of Zam at MADA asking Zam whether she would like nasi lemak bungkus udang for breakfast. Normally, early morning calls were for emergency news which consist of grieving news such as death or other misfortunes. Zam has prepared well for such news but instead she was surprised and astonished when Imam Dahalan was asking her on the number of nasi lemak udang she would like to have. Zam affirmed to him that she would like 3 bungkus while still wondering what the hack was Dahalan doing early in the morning as he has never done it before.

At 7.15 a.m. Imam Dahalan arrived at our house on his motorbike with 5 bungkus nasi lemak udang. I was very grateful for his concern for bringing in the nasi lemak but I enquired him about the reason why he brought the nasi lemak out of a sudden. Imam Dahalan then explained his impulsive behaviour to me. He told me that last night, he dreamed about the late Zam’ mother, Mak Yah. In his dream, Mak Yah appeared in front of him asking whether her favourite nasi lemak bungkus udang was still in the market.

After leading the Subuh prayer at his mosque, Imam Dahalan went straight to the Gunung weekly market where the nasi lemak bungkus udang was sold once a week on Thursday. The speciality of the nasi lemak was that the preparation procedure of the nasi lemak bungkus udang was done in the original traditional way of cooking. It is suitable for comsumption for any level of age whether it is young or old as the prawn gravy is not that hot. As a remembrance to the fond memory of Mak Yah and her families, there was a sudden urge on Imam Dahalan's part to offer prayers to Mak Yah as well as giving alms in the form of the nasi lemak bungkus udang.

When I opened the nasi lemak bungkus udang, I without realising it, I shed some tears as I remembered vividly the nasi lemak bungkus udang which I used to buy often for Mak Yah from the hawker stall at Telok Wan Jah. Zam and Nari also used to ask Imam Dahalan's assistance in buying the correct nasi lemak bungkus udang for their mother. I regretted very much that it took an outsider to remind us about the memory of my late mother in law.

It was natural for Imam Dahalan to have that feeling as he was very closed to Mak Yah. When come to religious rites, Zam surely remember to seek Imam Dahalan's assistance. In fact, Imam Dahalan was the last person to offer prayers during Mak Yah’s last breath on 22.12.1990 at 21 B, Lorong Kampung Pisang. Imam Dahalan is still maintaining a close relationship with Mak Yah’s descendants as he would willingly lead the prayers at our annual Haji Yaacob’s breakfast congregation at Holiday Villa sponsored by our Abang.

I believe that not all Mak Yah’s descendants remember Mak Yah demise date but I strongly believe that every son, daughter and grand children remember the fond loving memory of Mak Yah as what Imam Dahalan might has felt this morning. During her life time, Mak Yah was the examplary role model to her relatives, friends and foes alike.
Mak Yah was a very caring person and she has a very positive attitude towards life and she was not afraid of anything. As her husband passed away at an early life, Mak Yah was very calculative in her life as she has to raise her six children without a monthly scheduled income. In the early days, she used to ration the foods among her children so that every child has their proportionate share of foods. She never spend beyond her means and she even served only fried beehoon during Abang's wedding to Kak Fuzna.
Her grand children were very fond of her as she was very adventurous in planning her grand children's activities such as taking trishaw rides on the late Pak In's trishaw. From my observation, not a single child of her inherited all her attributes wholesome. For example Nami is very meticulous in her housekeeping but she is not a talkative lady like Mak Yah. While Mek Tet is a very jovial talkative lady up to the the CNN standard but not that forgiving as Mak Yah. Zam is not that adventurous as her mother but emulates her mother's choice in buying items. If you combine all her six children's different attributes, then you would get Mak Yah's wholesome attributes. With the grace of Allah she was successful in bringing up six responsible citizens of Malaysia single handedly.
She never spoke negative things about others although she was sometimes unjustly portrayed as a villain lady. In the evening, she would spend her leisure time by swinging lazily on her swings and she would greet every one who passed by the house. She would even comment on the dressing or the physical appearance of a young lady who was very prosperous in delivering babies. Her favourite lady was very cautious to pass through 21B if she was carrying another child. Mak Yah used to buy elegance looking apparels with resonable price but she was very happy when her children guessed a higher price. She did not like to trouble her children even to the last day.
Nana used to accompany her grand mother on the swings and Mak Yah used to take that opportunity to advice Nana on the tricky journey of life. To me, Mak Yah was not just a loving mother in law to me but also my Bank Rakyat . I used to borrow cash money in time of emergency such as the sudden death of my grand parents and other realtives whose funeral expenditures fell on me. There were no ATM facilities in those days and Mak Yah was my ATM to her very last days. AlFatihah.


Panggilan hormat ‘Yang Berbahagia’ mengikut susunan keutamaan sepertimana tercatit dalam buku ‘Protokol dan Etiket’ penerbitan Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN):

Setiausaha Jemaah Menteri/
Ketua Setiausaha Negara,
Peguam Negara,
Panglima Angkatan Tentera,
Ketua Polis Negara
Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Amam.
Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur
Penyandang Darjah Panglima Mangku Negara (P.M.N.)
Penyandang Darjah Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.)
Penyandang Darjah Panglima Setia Di Raja (P.S.D.)
Ketua-Ketua Setiausaha Kementeriaan
Penyandang Gelaran Datuk atau Dato’ dari Negeri- negeri kecuali Johor

Panggilan hormat 'Yang Berusaha' sepertimana tercatit dalam buku ' Susila Protokol Di Raja, Diplomatik dan Formal' oleh Adib Vincent Tan bin Abdullah:

Ketua-ketua Jabatan Negara dan Negeri,
Pegawai-pegawai Daerah atau Jajahan;
Residen-residen (di Sabah dan Sarawak)
Yang DiPertua Majlis Daerah
Ahli-ahli Majlis Dewan Bandaraya

Panggilan hormat 'Yang Amat Setia' atau 'Yang Setia' sepertimana yang tercatit dalam buku 'Susila Protokol Di Raja, Diplomatik dan Formal' adalah dikhususkan kepada Pegawai-Pegawai Angkatan Bersenjata:
Yang Amat Setia
Bagi pegawai Tentera yang berpangkat Brigadier Jeneral ke atas
Bagi pegawai Polis berpangkat Timbalan Pesuruhjaya ke atas
Ketua Polis Negeri
Timbalan Ketua Polis Negeri
Yang Setia
Bagi pegawai Tentera yang berpangkat Kolonel dan ke bawah
Bagi pegawai Polis yang berpangkat Penguasa hingga ke Penolong Kanan Pesuruhjaya
Ketua Polis Daerah
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah
Panggilan hormat untuk penjawat Majlis dan Jabatan Agama Islam sepertimana yang tercatit dalam buku 'Gelaran dan Perturan Melakukan Tataadab' oleh V.W.Y.Tung:

Sahibul Samahah

Sahibul Fadillah
Kadi Besar

Kadi Daerah

Mengikut buku 'Pantun dan Gurindam untuk Majlis Rasmi dan Perkahwinan' oleh Prof. Abdullah hassan , Arifin Said and Ainon Mohd., pada umumnya panggilan Puan sentiasa dapat diterima baik oleh semua wanita, pada semua waktu dan di semua tempat. Panggilan Puan digunakan sebelum nama jawatan apabila beliau diketahui sudah berkahwin. Panggilan Puan digunakan sebelum panggilan Hajah. Panggilan Puan juga digunakan kepada wanita yang pernah berkahwin tetapi sudah bercerai dan mereka yang kematian suami.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Khemah bahagian lelaki

Khemah bahagian perempuan

Pandangan daripada pintu masuk

Tiga serangkai selepas berkhatan

Sepupu yang sudah pun berkhatan tentulah relaks

Pada hari Isnain, 01.06.2009 Kak Nab telah mengadakan majlis berkhatan bagi tiga cucu lelakinya. Sempena majlis berkhatan tersebut, Kak Nab dan anak-anaknya telah menyembelih seekor lembu untuk majlis kenduri dan aqiqah cucunya. Menu kenduri yang dicadangkan Kak Nab hanyalah ringkas iaitu gulai tulang, daging rebus cicah air asam, kerabu perut bercampur mempelam, sayur rebung dan acar rebung serta sambal ulam-ulaman.
Mendengar cerita mengenai menu kenduri sahaja, saya tidak mempunyai masalah mengenai pemandu. Shiwar telah minta kebenaran keluar lebih awal pada jam 12.00 tgh. Begitu juga dengan Ezman yang telah keluar pejabat pada waktu yang sama. Marini yang tidak mempunyai kesempatan untuk pergi bersama telah memesan supaya membawa balik nasi kenduri untuknya. Memang tidak merugikan kepada Shiwar dan Ezman yang telah keluar awal kerana mereka berdualah yang amat menikmati hidangan kenduri yang disediakan.

Mengikut Ari, anak ketiga Kak Nab mereka sekeluarga telah bersetuju prosidur berkhatan disempurnakan oleh Tok Mudim tradisional yang telah melakukan upacara berkhatan kepada diri mereka sendiri lebih dua puluh lima tahun dahulu. Seiring dengan peredaran zaman. Tok Mudim ini telah menambaikkan prosidur berkhatan dengan ubat-ubat moden seperti pain killer dan antibiotik. Untuk menenangkan pemikiran kanak-kanak yang akan berkhatan, Tok Mudim juga menyediakan kemudahan tayangan video rancangan kegemaran kanak-kanak terkini.

Namun demikian, Tok Mudim yang sudah pun lanjut usia tidak lagi mampu membuat house call. Semua prosidur berkhatan dilakukan di rumah Tok Mudim sendiri yang mana telah menyediakan ruang tamu yang luas di rumahnya bagi maksud menempatkan pelanggan-pelanggannya. Kanak-kanak yang sudah dikhatankan akan dibenarkan pulang selepas dua jam berkhatan apabila Tok Mudim berpuas hati tidak wujud lagi komplikasi.

Tok Mudim tradisional ini adalah merupakan golongan pengamal perubatan tradisional yang spesisnya hampir pupus. Tidak ada anak buah Tok Mudim ini yang mampu mewarisi ilmu berkhatan daripadanya dan dikhuatiri ilmu ini akan bersemadi bersama Tok Mudim apabila beliau meninggal nanti. Bagi tiga cucu Kak Nab yang telah diberkhatankan dengan sempurna, di dalam tangisan mereka ketawa besar dengan kerana setiap seorang telah dapat mengumpulkan sumbangan daripada tetamu majlis kenduri melebihi RM 700.00 seorang. Syukur Alhamdullillah.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Pleasing to the eyes and peace to the mind

Since I am not in the best of health to travel down to Kuala Lumpur for the past three years, the ever caring Nana made sure that would come back to Alor Setar with her family during the school holidays. Apart from providing me and Zam the opportunity to get a more closer acquaintance with our four grand children, it would also provide our grand children with the breathing space to appreciate the kampong life of their grand father.

As the tradition of Haji Yaacob, two weeks before the arrival of her grand children, Zam was already busy with her proposed local travel schedules for the grand children. Her holistic intention was to ascertain her grand children’s stay in Alor Setar was not a bored affair but instead it would be more memorable for them as they would be involved in a string of activities.

It was in fact an investment on Zam's part to make her grand children cherish their stay in Alor Setar. Consequently it would result in the grand children pestering their mother to come back more often to Alor Setar. It would be quiet a constrain on Zam's part as she would be only assisted by only her two sisters. The children would only be entertained by the oldies i.e their grand aunties as Mak Amalina and Mak Lin has gone to pursue their tertiary education in Shah Alam and Kuala Lumpur.

For scribbling purposes, I bought one set of coloured pens together with two rims of scribbling papers. With these writing materials in abundance, I was definitely certain they would not disturb my writing pens and other untensils. My prophesy was proven to be correct as they did not touch them as they were very busy on the papers that I have provided to them.

Nur A'liah concentrating on her scribbling

Nur Aisyah and her bundles of rubber bands

Nana came back on Sunday, 07.06.2009 and that very evening, all of us attended a wedding feast at my second cousin, Ku Hamzah at Bukit Kayu Hitam. On the way back to Alor Setar, we stopped by at Hosba to enjoy the famous Hosba cendol pulut.

On Monday, 08.06.2009, Zam and Nana’s family attended another wedding feast of my second cousin, Syed Idrus at Jitra. In the evening, Zam and Ezman went to the day market at Jalan Putra to look for durians and glutinous rice. Since I have already phoned to Idrus’s brother, Roslan (019-5611563), so Zam was very lucky that Roslan has earmarked good quality durians for her. Aisyah really enjoyed the red prawn durians that Zam has bought.

On Tuesday, 09.06.2009 my son, Ezwar entertained my grand children with a remote control helicopter display at the Rumah Tok Su’s compound. children. As usual, the crafty Nur A’liah tricked her uncle in buying them root beers and they ended their morning on the play ground at Taman Rimba. In the afternoon, they went to the Montana Bicycle Outlet to buy another two set of bicycles for Nur Aisyah and her cousin, Amir respectively.

The four grand children with their Montana bikes

On Wednesday, 10.06.2009 all of us including Noraini went to Padang Besar. On the way to Padang Besar we stopped by at Yong’s close friend, Ustazah Fauziah at Kampong Santan, Perlis to deliver a book, auspicious of Yong to Ustazah Fauziah. We started our day at Padang Besar with a sumptuous lunch at Alamanda Crystal Seafood, No: 8 Lorong 4, Gapura Square (Tel: 04-9493494). After lunch, the flood gate was opened for shopping. We were all worried about Noraini’s health condition but the spirit of shopping enabled her to shop until they were exhausted of their energy and money.

In the evening we have another food galore at my house. Rohani Jasmani brought laksa, laksam and satay from Laksa Pak Ya Telok Chengai. Wan Mansor bought popiah Jamal while I myself bought Cucur Udang Pak Mat White Palace and pulut udang Warisan. It was a very hilarious evening when Rohani tried to rekindle her memory of bygone days by riding Nur Aisyah’s bicycle. As she was having some initial difficulties in riding the bicycle, the joker Nur A’liah chided her auntie’s ability to cycle by showing off her riding skills without holding her bicycle’s handles. We were laughing our hearts out when we realized that Nur A’liah’s bicycle has four wheels.

The Padang Besar bounty

Afiq with his harimau jersey and Adli with his Manchester United
Adli sharing similar hair top with me

Aisyah with her Padang Besar blouse and her MU fans

Manchester Unit pair of die hard fans

rekindling her bygone years on the bicycle

Nur A'liah letting go both her hands on her four wheel bicycle

Plentiful of foods on the table for obesity

On Thursday, 11.06.2009, the grand children started their morning by enjoying their cycling at the Golden Jubilee Park at Suka Menanti. Then at 11.00 a.m., we proceeded to Kak Nab’s house at Tambun Tulang, Perlis. The grand children really enjoyed their lunch on the wakaf beside the padi field. Aisyah consumed her lunch to the brim as she could not take another durian offered by Kak Nab. From my observation, it was the only occasion that Aisyah refuse any food that was offered to her.
The three elder grand children really enjoyed thier short stay at Kak Nab's house as they were free to roam about in the compound plucking fruits such as raspberries, mangosteen and rambutans. Then they quenched their thirst by drinking fresh young coconuts plucked by Kak Nab. Afiq was thrilled when he could manage to yodel which were echoed by the roosters. I guided Afiq to yodel properly by yodelling the words 'quacker oats' which was similar to the roosters's cry.

Three legged Adli

All in the family enjoying the fresh young coconuts on the wakaf

Nur Aisyah enjoying the serenity of the padi field from the wakaf

A'liah playing on the wakaf

Kak Nab plucking fresh young coconuts

Zam and Nana plucking raspberries

Zam and her grand children plucking raspberries

Aisyah using the bamboo pole to pluck the mangosteens

Afiq jealously guarding his rambutans

The roosters echoing Afiq's yodelling

From Tambun Tulang we proceeded to another destination that was Hindon’s house at Simpang Empat. The grand children were very keen to go there as they would be able to enjoy the play station of Fareez. They were so attached to the power station games to the extend that among my nephews, my grand children could only recognized Fareez by his name because of his play station.

Jim was also searching high and low in Perlis for Harum Manis mangoes which his father has requested from him. It was very unfortunate for Jim as Harum Manis mangoes season for the year in Perlis has ended a week before. With the grace of Allah, Jim was very lucky as he would not be facing his father empty handed in Ipoh. Marini could manage to buy a box of six Harum Manis mangoes at the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport. The mangoes were from Tobiar, in the Pendang District whose fruiting season was different from Perlis.

On Friday, 12.06.2009, we visited my sister, Norin at her house in Kampung Hutan Setali. There, we were served with the delicious dodol of Mardi brand which were supplied to the Raja of Perlis. We quenched our with fresh young coconuts plucked by Shahir, Norin’s fourth son.

On the final day, Saturday 13.06.2009, in tandem with the tradition of Alun, at 7.00 a.m. Nana droved me to Nasi Lemak Royale outlet at Jalan Ibrahim. So, nasi lemak Royale was the final send off for our grand children. Zam and I sincerely hoped that our grand children has enjoyed tremendously their stay in Alor Setar and we do wish that they would be very eager and anxiously waiting for the chances to come back to Alor Setar in the future. Insya Allah.

Blackie relaxing on the lap of A'liah

Nana is allergic to cats but her children are very fond of cats. We were not fond of domesticating cats which like to stay in the house during the night and loitering the house with their wastes. It was a very tall order for Zam to fulfill her grand children's wishes for a domesticated cat in the house. The three of them consistently requesting their grand mother to domesticate a cat for them during their conversations with her through the phone. With Allah's grace, two months ago a black stray cat made a permanent stay in our home. Zam managed to discipline the cat to the standard of Haji Yaacob's quality. The cat we named as Blackie was Allah's blessing to us whereby the children really enjoyed their associationship with Blackie during their six days stay in Alor Setar.