Monday, May 25, 2009


There were from two different worlds contrasting each other in term of cultural and family values. Yet with their contrasts, they have fused into a solid harmonious relationship. They have achieved their nirvana in their hand built to specification domain at the Nagging River.

Both of them are very generous and sincere in their hospitality to their guests like ours.. We are very free and relax with full stomachs in the comforts of their home. Their hospitality are comparable to the services provided by any five star hotels in the country

They are very loyal and dutiful to their parents. Compared to two of them, even parents with a dozen children cannot match their diligent obligatory duties rendered to their parents. Their relationships was so harmonious to the extend that she could conciously poke her mother in laws ribs to initiate her late mother’s unconsciously instant utterance of words.

Idrus would always refer her as Sod which initially I thought as her shortened name. Well, my guess was off the mark since it actually means something else which I am prohibited from disclosing it. I sincerely do not wish to make her richer by suing me for damages since she is already very rich with her cholesterol.

I have just received fantastic news from the CNN networking whereby Nayah's tutelage has scored a 4 flat for her recently concluded examination. Nayah's tireless efforts in providing weekly domestic and transport service for her tutelage has been handsomely rewarded. The high quality interior decour of her tutelage's UM residential room might have produced the condusive cosy study environment that has stimulated her niece's high academic achiever.

However, we cannot deny the fact that Tikah's super IQ and her constant diligent hard works has ruled the day. Congratulations to Tikah and also the highly effective intergrated supportive networkings of Nayah and her brother in producing such a high level academic achievement. We in Alor Setar do sincerely pray for Allah's blessings that she would maintain her success until the finishing line. Insya Allah.

Last but not least, we wish to congratulate Nayah on her shared success and we will always cherish their kind hospitality until the end of the world.


  1. tq for congrated me there...
    hopefully i can get like tht again in future..
    this mayb CNN hav doing their job, thts y this new being spread to all of family members..
    pray for my best!!!
    i hope pak chak always in good level of health n will continue writtng more stories!!

  2. Thank you Tikah for your comments.
    With your Daddy's pure white image of sincerity and prayers, I am certain that Allah will bless you with more success in the future.

    I have also received some recent news from CNN networking and I would like to convey my sympathy to my fellow sufferer, Pak Chaq Bakar who has bought 10 sets of dot com dot my. ladies head dress from Jakarta.
    However this Pak Chaq have a sound advice for your Pak Chak Bakaq i.e. "If you are not sure about the likes and dislikes of your wife, then please do not buy any thing. In return, you will only receive tongue lashings but you will not loose anything as you have not spend any money. On the other hand, if you buy things that your wife dislike, then you will still get tongue lashings while you will also have to suffer losses as you have spent your money."

    This sound advice was handed down to me by my former boss, Dato' Saad Endut. Thank you.

  3. news really go round fast with our new elected cnn
