Monday, July 27, 2009


Old faithful never dies for memories will linger forever

Last Friday (24.07.2009) I was taken aback when the Haj Belt that I used to wear with my sarung for my Friday prayers broke up at the buckles. It was a sad day for me as I used to wear the Haj belt that I inherited from my late father after his demise on 13 May 1989. The Haj belt was very convenience to wear because apart from strengthening the sarung’s grip on our waist it also provided a pouch for the storing of our vital items such as driving license and identity card. Normally if we carry the items in our baju kurung pockets, it would easily slip from the pocket without us realizing it. I have lost my wallet in this manner when I was enjoying my teh tarik at Pokok Cheery Restaurant a few years ago.

The Lid’s Haj belt served me faithfully for the last twenty years and it always brought back fond memories of Lid whenever I wore the Haj belt. I felt at a loss when wearing my sarung to the mosque without the Haj belt. I think I have no choice but to browse through Pekan Rabu for another Haj belt. Any way I am very thankful to the broken Lid’s Haj belt that served me obediently for the last twenty years.


  1. I have two. Do you need one.Both had been to Mecca

  2. Jamil,
    Thanks for the offer but I am worried that the belt would suffer a shock because it was so used to your slimmer waist as compared to mine. Any way thank you for the generous offer and I would take it up when I will be in Ipoh for any cukur jambul ceremony in the near future. Insya Allah.
